We turns Youtube lists into RAG data to feed your favorite LLMs AI.
Customize Data
Feed your YouTube lists, epubs, audio to YTTL
Feed Data with LLMs
Integrate your curated RAG data seamlessly with our LLMs API.
Publish your niche RAG data on the YTTL network
Craft and share niche RAG data that resonate with your communities.
Fine-Tune Smarter AI with Communities
Custom LLMs
Ask LLMs with curated unique knowledge database.
Crowdsourced Intelligence
Sharing curated RAG data—such as epubs, PDFs, audio, and videos—empowering users to build personalized knowledge bases for Q&A with their AI.
Organzed Knowledge
Ask LLMs with curated RAG data to get the knowledge you want, faster. AI becomes smarter with crowdsourced intelligence.
"How to Sleep Better"
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